Nmap [open ports weakest security links]

                            Unwanted open ports are the weakest security link

Due to coronavirus most of the road lines are blocked. Just imagining if i can run Nmap to find what are the routes available for me to traverse it would be great well that is not possible. so let do the possible things with the Nmap tool.   

Nmap basics.

In my earlier post I have given you just snippets of the Nmap. Now let dig a out more info related to this tool because it is one of the important tool used for network discovery and security auditing. For people who like GUI then Zenmap is a good choice. I will be attaching the screenshot of the terminal it will be a quick guide for us.

Without delaying let’s start

Check for listening open ports
nmap www.target.com
This will scan the 1000 most popular port by using TCP method

Fingerprinting service of the remote host

Fingerprinting is use find the ser
 nmap  -sV www.targetwebsite.com

You can set the amount of probes to use it will change the intensity of scan. 

nmap  -sV  --version-intensity 9
This tool has special flag to activate aggressive detection namely –A aggressive mode enable os detection (-O) version detection (-sV) script scanning (-sC) and traceroute  yes it will give a lot fo information but the problem is the chance of getting detected increases it will casue the termination of further investigation.
nmap –A <Target>

nmap –sC  -sV –O <target>

To find live host in a network

nmap –sP

Nmap –sV –script vuln
This command will try to run every script against the target to check for vulnerabilities. I haven't attached the screenshot you can go and try yourself.
Follow the link  to know more commands



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