Finding Attacker Geolocation [ There was never a good war, or a bad peace ]
Geolocating an IP address
Finding the location
of IP addresses helps in tracking the origin of the attack. Thanks to Gorjan Petrovsk
one of the active members of Nmap community, He submitted three Nmap NSE scripts that help us to find the Geolocation of a remote IP addresses
Script names are
- ip-geolocation-maxind
- ip-geolocation-ipinfodb
- ip-geolocation-geobytes
For the script ip-geolocation-maxind there
is no build-in database, so we need to download the external database from database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz.
File path : $NMAP_DATA/nselib/data/
For ip-geolocation-ipinfodb we need API
key to push the requests and get desired results.we can get the key from I will be using ip-geolocation-ipinfodb
because we can have any number of query request to the service provider.if you
have a little bit of experience in writing a script you can add your own service provider.
- - script ip-geolocation-ipinfodb.apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
22/tcp closed ssh
80/tcp open http
113/tcp closed ident
113/tcp closed ident
Host script results:
| ip-geolocation-ipinfodb
| (Attacker)
coordinates (lat,lon): 39.489898681xxx,-74.47730255xxx
state: Targetaddress, Galloway, NJ, USA
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned
in 8.71 seconds
Thanks for reading out. Don't forget to check my previous posts.
Thanks for reading out. Don't forget to check my previous posts.
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