Tmux Terminal

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Tmux Terminal WindowTmux is a particular terminal window that allows you to manage multiple windows in your current terminal session. The best way to explain it is through examples. Starting TmuxTo start Tmux, you just type Tmux in your terminal window. At the bottom of your terminal window, you’ll notice that a number and a name have been assigned to your opened window tab. Let’s say you’re in an engagement and you want to run Nmap in one window, plus run Metasploit in another one, and so on. This is where Tmux is handy because you can work on multiple windows/sessions at the same time

Tmux Key Bindings

In Tmux, you must use Ctrl+B to instruct it that you want to execute a Tmux
action (command). In fact, the key combination Ctrl+B is the default one. You
can always change the default configurations of Tmux in the configuration file.
To change this behavior and assign Ctrl+A instead of Ctrl+B, then you must
create the config file yourself for the first time. To get the job done, you have
two options for creating a config file in Tmux. The first way is to add a user specific
file called ~/.tmux.conf, and the second way is to add a global file (to
all users) under /etc/tmux.conf. In my case (for this example), I will add the
configuration file under /etc/tmux.conf (and I will add the configurations for
the key bindings in it):

root@kali:/# touch /etc/tmux.conf

root@kali:/# echo unbind C-b >> /etc/tmux.conf

root@kali:/# echo set -g prefix C-a >> /etc/tmux.conf

root@kali:/# echo bind C-a send-prefix >> /etc/tmux.conf

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