Enter the dragon
Kali Linux contains more than 300 hundred penetration testing
and forensic tools finding around them is a tough task I going to walk through you
most widely used tools through the command line and in some cases GUI but command
line is most preferable because we can customize the task give preferences and
much more which is not possible in GUI because of restricted desktop space.
Let me quote Abraham lincoln once said
Kali Linux menu is like dashboard contain a large number of
tools present in the kali distort this allow a user who are not well versed with the
tools to be get familiarized with available tools and their categorization.
Enter the dragon
Let's begin with basic command set I know most of you are familiar but for a beginner this is where you can get hands-on your kali dragon.
Files with kali
#Files on kali
man locate
locate sbd.exe
man which
which sbd
sbd -h
man find
find / -name sbd*
find / -name sbd* -exec file {} \;
just type the above command and check the out coming.
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