Smart Grid
What is smart Grid and is it safe ?
In this post i want to share with you information about smart grid.A smart grid is a modernized electrical grid that uses analogue or digital information and communication technology
to gather and act on information, such as information about the
behaviours of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to
improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.You can watch more detail information in below video.As we know technology helps us to make life easier we should be aware of how technology can make our life worst.With the advent of cybercrime there is also concern on the security of
the infrastructure, primarily that involving communications
technologies. Concerns chiefly center around the communications
technology at the heart of the smart grid. Designed to allow real-time
contact between utilities and meters in customers' homes and businesses,
there is a risk that these capabilities could be exploited for criminal
or even terrorist actions.[7]
One of the key capabilities of this connectivity is the ability to
remotely switch off power supplies, enabling utilities to quickly and
easily cease or modify supplies to customers who default on payment.You can watch more detail information in the second video which i have shared.
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